Students 4 Best Evidence

A network for students interested in evidence-based healthcare.

<p>The S4BE website features reviews written by students of evidence-based resources; including slideshows, lectures, websites, online courses and databases.</p>

The S4BE website features reviews written by students of evidence-based resources; including slideshows, lectures, websites, online courses and databases.

Norah Essali, a medical student from Syria, explains why you should get involved with the S4BE website.

The Challenge

The UK Cochrane Centre approached us to help them build the Students 4 Best Evidence website; to bring together students of all ages with an interest in Evidence-Based Medicine.

The site aims to answer a challenging set of questions:

  • What is evidence-based medicine (EBM)?
  • How do I practice EBM?
  • What resources are available so I can learn more about EBM?
  • Which EBM learning resources are best?
  • Where can I find other students interested in EBM?
  • Where can I find interesting articles about evidence-based practice?
<p>The site is a great place to start if you are new to Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM)</p>

The site is a great place to start if you are new to Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM)

<p>Each step of the EBM methodology is mapped out, with key concepts highlighted in a range of blogs.</p>

Each step of the EBM methodology is mapped out, with key concepts highlighted in a range of blogs.

The Solution

We worked closely with the team at UKCC to build an online peer support network that students can use to learn about evidence-based healthcare.

The responsive website was designed so that it works seamlessly on mobile and tablet, with close integration with Twitter and Facebook, so visitors can keep up to date wherever and whenever they want.

UK Cochrane Centre Director Martin Burton introduced the site by explaining:

This website is for you, whether you’re training to be a doctor, nurse or other health professional or you’re a school student thinking about studying medicine. We are helping students pull together all the evidence-based healthcare resources into one interactive space, where we hope you will find the right information for you and help you meet other like-minded students.

We are delighted to be involved in this exciting new project and we look forward to seeing how the network grows and evolves.

We were delighted to hear that the Students 4 Best Evidence website won the UK Blog Awards, Education category. Congratulations to Holly and the team for this achievement!

Spanish, Portuguese and a corporate integration

The project has been so successful that in 2016 we expanded it to include Spanish and Portuguese versions.

The websites are identically branded, with important customisations for each language, of course.  Each language team manages separately their respective content and their network of contributors.

At the same time, we worked with Cochrane to integrate blog membership with their corporate Single Sign-On (SSO) system.  So now, anyone with a Cochrane login can use it to connect with S4BE, and vice versa.

“Working with the people at Minervation was an absolute joy from start to finish.”

Holly Millward

Holly Millward

Communications and Engagement Officer

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